“Poultry Complex “Dniprovskiy” LLC

15 500
hectares of crop fields

5 million
specially breed animals prepared into the finest chicken meat products

60 countries
for export

90 000 tons
of meat produced in 2022

60 million
eggs per year
Our Products
Our chicken is grown and processed according to the best worldwide technologies
Key Quality Indicators

Non-GMO Certification

EU Approved

Halal Products

Grade A Quality


DSTU (State Standard of Ukraine)
Critical Quality Points

No Hormones
Our company adheres to a stringent food control system prohibiting using hormones in feeding.

Exclusively Natural Feeds
Our commitment to excellence drives continuous expansion and cutting-edge advancements, ensuring our chickens are exclusively fed with 100% natural, in-house produced feeds, guaranteeing complete safety control and enhancing our market standing.

Laboratory Control
All products undergo full laboratory control to ensure product quality.

End-to-end production cycle
The company offers an end-to-end production cycle — from cultivating top-grade grains for feed to meticulously nurturing chickens in a controlled environment. This comprehensive approach ensures a traceable supply chain, delivering premium poultry products.

About ULAS
“Poultry Complex “Dniprovskiy” LLC is part of the Agro-industrial Group of Companies “Dniprovska”, which is a prominent entity in the poultry industry and stands out as a leading Ukrainian producer of broiler products, recognized by the brand name “Ulas”.
With more than 45 years of experience, “Poultry Complex “Dniprovskiy” LLC has involved into TOP 5 poultry producers. Our journey of growth and transformation began in 1977 and included significant structural improvement and a focus on technological progress.
Global Reach
Our products are well-established in Ukraine, EU, CIS, GCC, Africa, and beyond, gaining popularity i numerous regions and countries.
Our clients